Believe in your voice


Here at ACE VOICES, we believe that everyone has a voice, a unique voice worth sharing, and we are passionately committed to empowering people to believe in theirs and support others to do the same!

While we work on getting our website fully up and running, for more information about our events at Aberdeen International Youth Festival this summer (Creative Play Days; Sing-it! at ACT Aberdeen; and our ACE Youth Choir), please visit our Facebook page at and/or contact Alec at or 07422 575711.

About Us

Since its foundation in February 2011, ACE VOICES has evolved into an inspiring network of creative projects, partnerships and communities involving 5000+ people of all ages in the North-East of Scotland, UK and further afield.

Our Services

We offer a wide variety of services such as Events and Workshops, Leadership Coaching Programme, Choirs, School Projects and CPD courses.


Latest Ace Voices News!

Curabitur scelerisque ex ut consequat ullamcorper

Curabitur scelerisque ex ut consequat ullamcorper

Aenean tristique nibh augue, non vestibulum ante eleifend ac. Etiam eros purus, aliquam et tempor suscipit, venenatis vel velit. Duis consectetur porta dui, ac feugiat tortor tempus aliquam. Duis ac nunc eleifend, ornare tellus eu, lacinia dui. Donec ipsum turpis,...

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Curabitur elit nulla, elementum at augue non

Curabitur elit nulla, elementum at augue non

Aenean tristique nibh augue, non vestibulum ante eleifend ac. Etiam eros purus, aliquam et tempor suscipit, venenatis vel velit. Duis consectetur porta dui, ac feugiat tortor tempus aliquam. Duis ac nunc eleifend, ornare tellus eu, lacinia dui. Donec ipsum turpis,...

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Fusce pulvinar massa nec interdum maximus

Fusce pulvinar massa nec interdum maximus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse orci nibh, scelerisque non volutpat eu, volutpat vel orci. Vestibulum laoreet augue id felis tristique, eu vehicula velit gravida. Aenean aliquam augue leo, at ullamcorper ligula vulputate at....

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